Though we’ve been taught to think menopausal symptoms result from estrogen deficiency due to failing ovaries, this belief is based on incomplete information. As hormone production from the ovaries declines at menopause, a twofold increase in production of androgenic hormones in the adrenal glands and body takes place.
Androgens act as weak estrogens and can also be made into estrogens. This makes a healthy woman naturally equipped to deal with the hormonal changes in her ovaries. In fact, women who are able to produce adequate level of androgens often don’t experience menopausal symptoms. Many women however approach menopause in a state of emotional and nutritional depletion that has affected optimal adrenal function.
Have you ever feet groggy and had difficulty dragging yourself out of bed?
Do you need that cup of coffee before you can get going?
Do you rely on sugary snacks and caffeine to get through the day?
At night, though exhausted do you have difficulty falling asleep?
Do you wonder what happened to your interest in sex?
Did you answer yes to any of these questions? If you did, your adrenals may be contributing to your menopausal symptoms and in need of support.
Inadequate adrenal function is not the only potential cause of menopausal symptoms however. Hot flashes can be the result of an overtaxed, overburdened liver and you might not be going through menopause at all.
Is your flushing accompanied by very dry skin and nails?
Do your periods continue to be regular?
Does your flushing come after having an alcoholic drink?
Do you feel bloated, nauseous, and constipated?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s possible that your liver is overburdened and creating your flushing.
While declining estrogen, progesterone and testosterone may need to optimized through the use of herbs, homeopathics or bioidentical hormones, it’s important to address all the issues contributing to your symptoms through an individualized treatment plan. Laboratory testing is available to determine your hormone levels.